Italy's Pasta & Tomatoes


4 meals-Great gift for the home Chef!
Some of the best pasta's and tomatoes in the world!
No jarred sauce here, you have to make your own sauce.
All packaged in a Penn Mac picture gift box
500g Gragnanesi (Gragnano, Italy)
500g Setaro (Napoli, Italy)
500g Pastificio dei Campo (Gragnano, Italy) BOX
500g La Fabbrica Della (Gragnano, Italy)

28oz Marrazzzo-San Marzano Tomatoes (Agro Noccerino-Sarnese)
28oz LaValle-D.O.P San Marzano Tomatoes (Campania, Italy)
28oz Mutti Tomatoes (Northern Italy)
28oz Cento San Marzano Tomatoes (Sarnese Nocerino, Italy)
4 Pasta's and 4 Canned Tomatoes