Chilean Bolete Mushrooms: Bulk


Chilean Bolete Mushrooms are one of the numerous edible members of the Boletus genus of mushroom – a genus featuring all fungi with pores.
First brought about by the late Elias Magnus Fries (in 1821), the Boletus name is a derivative of the Latin ‘boletus’, meaning ‘mushroom’.
The Chilean dry mushroom is one of over 100 species of Boletus. Complete with a spongy, pore-laden layer, Bolete Mushrooms are known for their tubes.
Although labeled as dried mushrooms, the Bolete can be utilized when fresh, as well. Known in France as “Cepe”, and “the Penny Bun” in Britain, the mushrooms (like many others) range from dark to light brown in color.
In the case of the Chilean Bolete, the mushroom is first cut, and then dried for inclusion with other ingredients.
So, with what do dry mushrooms go well? Well, one could argue pretty much anything! We recommend them to customers for any number of dishes, including delectable soups, hearty sauces, and pretty much any recipe that requires wild mushrooms!
Reconstitute dried mushrooms in warm water for 20-30 minutes, saving the liquid for use in soups and sauces.
As a rule of thumb, dried mushrooms will yield 6-8 times their dry weight.
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